Sunday, January 10, 2010

New Years

So I broke my wrist. I have a huge cast on my arm clear up to my bicep/tricep. I have really come to find out that I use my wrist more often than not. Riley has really tried to helped out. I cant even do my own hair. He tries to help but it's pretty sad. (my hair that is)
It all started on New Years Day. I was at home cleaning up and trying to put away the Christmas decorations and Riley came thru the door and said he wanted me to come out side. "I have to show you something!" he says. So I went outside in my slippers and pajamas and there was a giant black horse (Grace) with a saddle on her. She is about 17.5 hands tall and huge! She has never really been rode, so I think that was the first time she has ever had a saddle on. She seemed a little nervous but calmed down when I started to pet her. Riley suggested I get on her so I said, " I'm not scared - but I can't because I am in my jammies (wink, wink)."
"Oh come one, let's see what she will do, just step in the stirrup - I'll hold her."
Little did I know that she already bucked Riley off, thats why he was a little scared of her.... So you know me, always trying to please others, I get on the horse. Next thing I know, I am getting thrown in the air, I tried to push back and jump off but by that time the horse had come down on her back legs and slipped on the cement in our driveway. I fell on her legs and tried to catch my fall and then.... OH SNAP I broke my wrist.
I am a grown women with a bright pink cast. It's hideous. I cant do my hair, pick up both my girls at the same time, or even wash the dishes but at least its not my right hand and I don't have to be on crutches. But I am not gonna lie. IT SUCKS!


Kara said...

That is definetly no fun. I hope you heal fast. By the way I love your new top picture soo cute!

ER said...

Hi!!! How are you?! It's been forever, i know. Just wanted to tell you that you guys look great! Your girls are beautiful!! Hope you and Riley are doing well.

Jax said...

Aw, Tina... at least it wasn't a bull this time. hehehe. sorry, so not funny! I'm jealous you got out of dishes tho!