Saturday, May 2, 2009

it's May!

Joni May--I just had to take a pic of this cute face.  She was so tired, just about to go to sleep.
ok, UGLY cheeser, but here is a pic of the front with my long hair.  I am going to put brown in it and cut it tonight...  
Everyone thinks I look older with this color of hair. 
Newest addition to the family.  He was still wobbling around for the first few days.  All babies are so cute!

Riley loves to play with horses so he was excited when Neil's horse was born on Thursday the 30th.  Bell was a trooper.  It seems like that colt was half her size.  (not just seems, it was)


Matt 'n' Lisa said...

I want to see your hair now! I can't believe it's blonde!!! Is that really how long it is?

Your little girls are so cute, I didn't know two kiddies could fit in the front of a shopping cart. Miss you and love you!!

Becky said...

Joni looks older in that picture to me than 6 months. Very cute sleepy face!!

SliceOfParadise said...

I love Joni's adorable pout!!