So in my journey to get in spiritually shape ( I have been distracted now and then) (but that's like with any excerise plan right?! ) I have found out some great thing in the Book of Morman that I never knew before.
1. There is humor in the BOM - it's in Alma (it's not hilarious but it's an attempt)
2. The SWORD OF LABAN was and is in the Hill Camorah waiting. It was there when Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdry went to replace the plates. Joseph Smith didnt translate all the plates he had, there was a portion of them sealed.
3. Nephi describes Christopher Columbus 2000 years before he was even born. Christopher Columbus was a man of god and was lead by the Holy Ghost. He even said that in Columbus' journal.
a. There were other people that discovered America (Norseman, Arabians, Japaneese and Irish but none of them made lasting settlements. Want to know why? Read 2 Nephi 1:6-8 - The whole chapter is awesome. I really liked how Lehi made a point to give blessings to Zoram (Laban's slave that gave them the plates and came with Lehi's family) I kind of wondered if I was a decendent of Zoram or Lehi... I guess that's something I will have to look into. :)
I have had a hard time really studying the scriptures and I think it's because I have just read them in order instead of truly studied them. I got this cool study guide and Deseret Book and it's a lot more interesting. I feel like a treasure hunter - like in those movies - and it's actually kind of exciting. I know it's a little nerdy but I like it.
I wanted to write something about my findings over the past few weeks, it's way easier to type than write these days. So sorry that I dont have recent pics on here. I keep forgetting to charge my battery on my camera so I can get them off.
Friday we had a girls night out and I had a chance to go to dinner with my girls from High School. We had a great time catching up and talking - after a few of us went to the Temple. It was awesome to be there with my friends. How great of a girls night is that? Thanks to Jaci for putting that all together. It was just what I needed.
There were all sorts of reasons why we couldn't have gone to the temple - but like I said "What things are keeping me away from being truly happy?" They are not evil but distracting. I mean I was even temped not to go to the temple because I didn't get a good parking spot. (I actually thought about driving away * because I was going to be late for the session Jaci, Lonette and Leslie were going to. I said a little prayer that I would make it in time to go to the session with them. I knew it was a long shot (freezing time and all) but I had faith and when I was coming in the Temple I saw them and we actually got to all go together to the later session. So although time didn't freeze the Lord still heard me and I was able to be with my best girls in the Temple.
So all in all it's been a good work-out, I was a little lazy however, and could have done better and I will do better. I know this is the true gospel and I know it makes me happy.
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